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Services Provided

Timely Response, Innovative Solutions, Sustainable Design

Water Resources

PEC Water is an expert in developing sustainable water resource solutions that surpass code requirements. Our team help out our clients on the following project types: 


Roadways, highways, rail, and tunnels all benefit from our expertise. We provide comprehensive drainage solutions, surface water management, and develop green infrastructure to capture stormwater runoff and address regulatory standards. Our experience extends to Department of Transportation (DOT) projects, where we adeptly navigate complex drainage and stormwater management regulations.

Pump Stations

Our team possesses extensive experience in the planning, design, and construction of small and large pump stations. Together, we've managed and designed over 60 pump stations for public agencies, featuring capacities ranging from 150 to 6,000 gallons per minute (gpm), complete with multiple pump control and variable-speed drive configurations.

Stormwater Modeling

Our water resource services encompass hydraulic and hydrological modeling, including HEC-RAS 1D and 2D coupled analysis, as well as Infoworks ICM hydraulic and hydrologic modeling. We're well-versed in floodway and floodplain analysis, and we're adept at preparing Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) for a range of infrastructure projects.

Green Infrastructure

PEC Water is at the forefront of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. We possess a wealth of experience in planning, designing, and managing the construction of bioretention, permeable pavement, and large-scale regional stormwater capture projects. We've contributed to the planning, design, and construction management of some of the most unique green infrastructure projects across the west coast.

Climate Resiliency

Our dedicated staff is well-versed in climate change, and we're committed to providing services in climate adaptation and mitigation. Our solutions are designed to effectively mitigate the impacts of climate change, and we continuously seek innovative ways to develop climate-resilient solutions


  • Hydraulic/Hydrology (1D, 2D, Coupled)

  • Floodway and Floodplain Analysis

  • Master Planning

  • Trash Capture

  • Stormwater Management

  • Pump Station

  • Low-Impact Development (LID) & BMP Design    

  • Flood Hazard Mapping and Flood Risk Mitigation Design

  • Climate Change

  • Climate Adaptation/Mitigation

Pipeline Design and Rehabilitation

PEC Water is a leading provider of underground pipeline design services for various utility systems, including storm, sanitary, and water. Our team of experts brings a wealth of experience to the design of large and small-diameter gravity and pressurized pipelines. We excel in the design and rehabilitation of pipelines for program management of linear infrastructure projects. Our successful track record in delivering high-profile projects underscores our ability to develop complex infrastructure projects and reduce costs through innovative solutions.

We specialize in the full spectrum of trenchless technologies and pipe materials, including boring/jacking, pipe ramming, directional drilling, cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), sliplining, segmented pipe insertion, pipe bursting, microtunneling, Spiral Wound, UV Cure, and spray-in-place pipe (SIPP). Our team is committed to providing cost-effective solutions while minimizing the impact on the environment and the community


  • Pipeline Design (Storm/Sewer/Water)

  • Pipeline Rehabilitation

  • Outfall Rehabilitation

  • Trenchless Technology

  • Program Management

  • Stakeholders Coordination

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